Sunday, October 24, 2010


YO! bertemu kembali..ya!kali ni gue ingin intro kat lu band yg famous yg menggelarkan diri mereka as THE ni aku sure ramai yg kenal, mybe la sbb lagu2 diorang sgt best..(tapi aku suka lg atreyu)..haha..well, band yg asal nye form 2001 ni kat Utah, ber genre kan alternative rock dan, ahli2 band ini antaranye :
  • Quinn Allman — guitar, backing vocals
  • Jeph Howard — bass, backing vocals 
  • Bert McCracken — lead vocals 
  • Dan Whitesides — drums, percussion 

so,  antara lagu nye yg best, ak post kan video nye kat sni..layannn sudaaa..

                                            BURIED MYSELF ALIVE

                                               THE BIRD AND THE WORM

                                                               EMPTY WITH YOU


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Nadiku Sabhi Saddi

salam..slalu post lagu ganas2 kat blog kali ni aku nk ltk lagu yg slow skit..haha.lagu ni, ade kawan aku suka, semalam dia share kat aku lagu, aku decide ltk lagu ni for her..if u see my blog, this song is for u, sorry psl smlm ya..peace.:-)

NAPALM DEATH - When All Is Said And Done


G                                 Dm                    Cmaj7
When I was younger I saw my daddy cry and curse at the wind
   G                                                Dm          Cmaj7
He broke his own heart and I watched as he tried to re-assemble it
    G                                      Dm         Cmaj7
And my mama swore that she would never let herself forget
    G                                                  Dm
And that was the day that I promised I'd never sing of love 
if it does not exist, but darling

You are the only exception
Dm          Cmaj7
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
Dm          Cmaj7           G...
You are the only exception

                               ...Dm                   Cmaj7
Maybe I know somewhere deep in my soul that love never lasts
    G                                         Dm                     Cmaj7
And we've got to find other ways to make it alone or keep a straight face
    G                                        Dm        Cmaj7
And I've always lived like this, keeping a comfortable distance
    G                                              Dm              Cmaj7
And up until now I had sworn to myself that I'm content with loneliness

Because none of it was ever worth the risk

You are the only exception
Dm          Cmaj7
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
Dm          Cmaj7        Am...
You are the only exception

...G  D  Am  G  D
I've got a tight grip on reality, but I can't 
    G                           D
Let go of what's in front of me here
I know you're leaving in the morning when you wake up
         G                                  D          C
Leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream, whoa

You are the only exception
Dm          Cmaj7
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
Dm          Cmaj7
You are the only exception

You are the only exception
Dm          Cmaj7
You are the only exception
You are the only exception
Dm          Cmaj7
You are the only exception

    F          C               G
And I'm on my way to believing
        F          C               G
Oh, and I'm on my way to believing.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010


ya, kita kembali semula kepada segmen memperkenalkan band favourite gue..haha..kali ni gua mau introduce kat lu org satu band ni yg diberi name LOSTPROPHETS. erm.lagu2 band ni x la ganas sgt , n sedap didengari n sesuai utk semua peringkat umor.haha..ok.about history band ni, actually ni band dr Wales, negara asal usul winger MU, Ryan Giggs. band ni form pd thn 1997. da nk dkt satu dekad gak la.ok, ni ahli2 band LOSTPROPHETS :
  • Ian Watkins – vocals
  • Lee Gaze – lead guitar
  • Mike Lewis – rhythm guitar
  • Stuart Richardson – bass
  • Jamie Oliver – synth, turntables, samples, vocals
  • Luke Johnson – drums, percussion
ok.seperti biasa, sy akan rekomen lagu yg best dari band diorang ni and sy akan post music video diorang. ok, so far, lagu2 yg bagi ak yg best antaranya rooftops last train hope , burn burn , can't catch tomorrow , dan last summer


                                                         LAST TRAIN HOME

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


helo, aku nk introduce satu lg band yg agak menarik bg aku, iaitu ALEXISONFIRE. lagu2 dia ganas skit aa..lagu yg first aku dgr lagu This could be anywhere in this world, aku dgr kat laptop rumate aku time posting klang..mmg best aa..actually, ak x taw sgt history band ni. and as usual, ni antara member2 dlm band ni :

  • George Pettit – lead vocals 
  • Dallas Green – lead vocals, rhythm guitar, piano 
  • Wade MacNeil – lead guitar, vocals 
  • Chris Steele – bass guitar 
  • Jordan Hastings – drums, percussion 
then, lagu2 diorg ug aku recommend utk didengar antaranye YOUNG CARDINALS , THIS COULD BE ANYTHING IN THIS WORLD , PULMONARY ARCHERY , BORN AND RAISED dan ROUGH HAND

                                                        YOUNG CARDINALS



Monday, October 11, 2010


Ok..tu post kali ini, ak nak share korang another band yg ak amat minati, mybe ramai yg da kenal band ni, yg famous ngn lagunye CREEP, iaitu RADIOHEAD. bg org len, mybe lagu2 band ni cam bosan since lagu dia cam slow skit aa., but ak rase ade skit kelainan dr segi irama musik lagu2 diorang ni (poyo), but aku pon x tau nak ckp cmne aa.(poyo lg)
Radiohead ni rock band dr England, dari  Abingdon, Oxfordshire, formed ms tahun 1985. Band ni terdiri daripada :
1) Thom Yorke (vocals, guitar, piano, beats)
2) Jonny Greenwood (guitars, keyboards, other instruments
3) Ed O'Brien (guitars, backing vocals)
4) Colin Greenwood (bass, synthesizers)
5) Phil Selway (drums, percussion).

Radiohead kuarkan lagu pertama diorang iaitu CREEP pada tahun 1992, but mula2 cm x dpt smbutan sgt. Then, 1993 diorg kuarkan album diorang, Pablo Honey, then lame2 popularity band ni makin lame mkin naik.
ok, then, antara lagu yg aku minat dlm radiohead ni adalah, creep , just , fake plastic tree,dan street spirit,



Sunday, October 10, 2010

haha..lame suda ak x update blog ni..da berkulat da..haha..sori aa bz.rmai lak sound ckp blog ak ni da zaman aa bro.ok. blog ni ak wat utk share band2 yg aku minat jer aa.
so kali ini aku nak introduce kat korg ATREYU . band ni aku suka sbb drummer dia mantap seyh. suara sedap gler kowt.smbil men drum, sambil nyanyi. tp aku rase vocalist dia, nyanyi x la bp sdp sgt, tp part2 jerit dia mmg best. lagu paling aku suka THE THEFT. mmg sedap.x bohong punyer.
Current members
  • Alex Varkatzas — lead vocals (since 1998)
  • Dan Jacobs — lead & rhythm guitars, backing vocals (since 1998)
  • Travis Miguel — lead & rhythm guitars (since 2000)
  • Marc McKnight — bass, vocals (since 2004)
  • Brandon Saller — lead vocals, drums, percussion, brass instruments, piano, additional guitar (since 1998)

ATREYU ni  Amerika punye band, metalcore, form in 1998 kat california. dlu name dia RETRIBUTION, then tukar to ATREYU. antara lagu2 yg best, selain the theft, lagu ex's and oh'slips gloss and black ngan falling down

               --- THE THEFT---